Expert Business Valuation Services in PA

Buying. Selling. Merging. Planning.

Proper business valuation is essential when you need to assess the value of a company or its assets. It’s a process much more complex than simply slapping a price tag on a business—and it’s one too important to trust to an online calculator to fulfill.

Simon Lever offers a team with extensive experience and specialized credentials, allowing them to provide you with a defensible, fully documented valuation.

Our valuation specialists also bring an objective third-party perspective to the process. That objectivity can be crucial when a company is closely held or family owned—environments that are sometimes complex and filled with emotion.

Whether you need a business valuation report for a succession plan, divorce settlement, or potential acquisition, count on Simon Lever’s experience and resources for a proper valuation.

Key Services
  • Merger & Acquisition Valuations
  • Estate & Gift Tax Valuations
  • Succession Planning Valuations
  • Buy-Sell Agreement Valuations
  • Charitable Contribution Tax Valuations
  • Valuation Determination
  • Purchase Price Allocations
  • Litigation Support


We know that everyone has unique challenges and goals.
Let’s chat so we can understand yours.

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