LiveCAST 1 – Bonuses & Incentives

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Many companies have experienced bonus plans that do not accomplish their purpose, and this failure is blamed on one of two things (or both): the bonus plan was poorly designed or it was not implemented properly. Employees take great pride in their work and remain engaged when they are recognized for going “above and beyond”.  Incentive programs should be aligned with company goals and incentivize the best behaviors.  There are key financial and company culture components to creating and implementing an effective incentive program.

LiveCAST- Bonuses & Incentives: “How to Structure a Win-Win Program”  guides you through the important aspects that make a great program for both the company and the employees.


Here are the highlights from LiveCAST 1 – “Bonuses and Incentives”:

LiveCAST 1- Bonuses and Incentives from Simon Lever on Vimeo.

Keep an eye out for more content & presentations from LiveCAST and Simon Lever right here on “SL Learning”


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